On new years eve i broke up with my boyfriend. No stresss. I did not shed a tear. Why should i? for someone who isn't worth it?.. just planned ahead for the next day.As the daylight passed i borrowed my sisters lovely red dress and headed off to celebrate new year with my best friend and her family. we played secret friend so we exchanged gifts and started enjoying as soon as the music band arrived. the band was not so good but we just went on dancing till one. Dancing made me loose all my worries and stress. i went on moving the body along with the rythm with a lot of energy. I believe though our mind is stressed and our body is tired happiness boosts the energy and its only when we stop that we realise how tired we r. nevertheless after finishing the party i came home in a taxi but still i was full of energy and feeling like having fun. however, there wasnt anyone to have fun with so i went up to my apartment and felt the emptiness again. always see the glass as half full..be optimistic...be thankful that cows don't fly..i kept reminding my self and got into internet...next, went going through flickr and started chattin there. As darkness fell and it was time for the sun to rise i felt like going to see the first sunrise but how?? aaah i remembered the only guy who would be awake at dawn to take photos.i got in touch with him and asked him to take me along. We walked all the way chatting to the lonuziyaaraiyy kolhu and waited for the sun to rise. as it rose he started taking photos and i requested for a photo of mine. you can see me in the pic above. photography is my passion so we went on clicking till we reached the sea house which was the only place open at that time, sat at a corner table, felt the breeze and watched the boats, ferries moving and saw the fishermen leaving to catch fish for the day. It was a perfect beginning and i was glad that i followed my heart , mind and decided to go out in the morning. i was also glad that i took a photo for reesham who is far away. i gave the title " its good to have company" cos it matched the photo.. the dhonmoosa was giving company to the flower.hmmmn with a smile i jumped into bed and drifted off to sleep.

to reesham :)

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