this is wht i told her when she used to ask me why i talked n wanted to talk n stuff.
hehe..i told her tht i was a dffrnt kinda person...the kind tht looks for 'my adventure'....'my adventure'...was just going out freee...meeting sum interesting person...n just sharing an experience...like throwing urself out there....n when i started to talk to her for the first time...i just felt an unusual urge to know her even more..i didn't see her or know anything about her,..yet i just wanted to talk and know her v v badly..so we talked...n talked...n ....i just started caring abt her feelings...i really wanted to know how she was feeling...how she'd feel happy n stuff.............so...we were chattin one night..n i told her i'd just go near her house to see her...half an hour later i was there...i just didn't care...i just cudn't believe wht i was doing...hehe.....hey i didn't see her that night....hehehe...she just peeped out d jail door at her house...never came out...i was sweating n nervous...hehe.....i just somehow wanted to let her do that so bad....i kept on insisting she come with me to some island...hehe...assured her i wudn't even touch her...n stuff...i was just totally prepared to hire a boat n just leave...after tht frst nyt..after i went near her house...she used to joke abt me being her stalker....hehe...........but tht beach thng never hppned ofcourse...she must hv thought i was a creep...but anyway...i started to ask her about her whole life..more n more..n i started to care abt her more evry time...i hadn't planned it then...i mean to get involved so much...but she was just too interesting...first time i saw her was that morning with u...hehe....it felt like a precious little beautiful bird in a cage...i just wanted to take tht bird out for the ride of her life...i just had to take her out n just let her fly...so...i insisted on going to hulhumaale..it gave me such joy n happiness just to see her enjoying there...out with us...neither me nor niya had gone to hulhumaale like that...or any other place...but...i just had to do it...i was just relishing that moment...it was wonderful....it was wonderful to see her so happyy....no matter what happened....it still was a wonderful time...n now a wonderful memory...ingeyyy..i'm not sayin tht i did the ryt thing...i'm not justifying anythng...it just hppnd n it was supposed to make us happy at tht time..tht moment...n yes...after knowing more n more n talkin , n caring...yea...i loved her...a lot..i shudn't let any1 hang on to anythng i say now..ekamuves...its no use me tellin u how it is..dho....no use tellin any1...it was just not meant to be..we prbbly shared the part of our lives tht we were supposed to...n now back on our individual paths....for now....hehe....u never know what happens..yeah...its sad...but its real....n i'm dealing with it..so,..i was her friendly neighborhood "stalker"..prayer time..ok...gudnyt...swytdryms...ingeyyy...tc
yeah ehenoonas why should u want somethin that u cant have ..keep admiring and see from a distance ...e noon gothei nei
the heart has reasons, even the reason cannot understand
Sometimes all you can do is move away, hide your tears and just pretend that everything is ok.... And have faith that one day you are really going to be alright :)
eerr is this ur own story??
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